There’s nothing more therapeutic than packing a bag, gathering good friends, hitting the highway, and losing cell phone reception.
Recently I’ve been extremely preoccupied and haven’t had the time to clear my head. So I decided to pick up some of my friends and head to the west coast of Puerto Rico because its filled with so many beautiful beaches & places I’ve yet to explore. We didn’t have a destination in mind but it’s exhilarating to drive without knowing exactly where you’ll end up. It throws you into a sense of wandering that is so important.
A road trip is a perfect place to practice focusing on the journey instead of the destination. In this beautiful life you will be able to instantly feel how different your experiences will be when you stop focusing on where you are.
There’s no better time or place in the world to reflect than on the road. The west coast especially was a stimulating journey, from the easy going lifestyle to the freedom my mind had to wander. Traveling made me appreciate the beauty that has been in front of me my whole life in Puerto Rico. From its landscape to the tranquility I feel driving through the mountains. Once we arrived we stumbled upon a beautiful beach were we spent the rest of the day relaxing and exploring it. It finally feels like home.
So I genuinely recommend everyone to get out, grab friends and loose yourselves more often! When you’re on the road, you’re not going to be spending weeks with these people so enjoy them.
Francisco X. Alustiza xx

(Wearing: Ildeswimwear)


(Laura Olivieri wearing American Apparel)